Ceccarelli e Silvestri in the deal of Energie Nuove-Smart Energies on photovoltaics

The firm assisted Energie Nuove Srl, a company based in Rome operating in the renewable energy sector, also as an EPC contractor and provider of management, maintenance, and design services for photovoltaic plants, in the sale of a photovoltaic portfolio to Smart Energies, a French independent power producer. This portfolio consists of a special purpose vehicle holding the permits for the construction and installation of several photovoltaic plants. As part of the transaction, the parties also negotiated and finalized the Development, Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) agreements aimed at the construction and development of the aforementioned plants.

Link to the press release: Ceccarelli e Silvestri nel deal Energie Nuove-Smart Energies sul fotovoltaico – Legalcommunity

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