Ceccarelli e Silvestri with Instroret and Renovo Bioedil for a new plant in Iglesias (CA)

Ceccarelli e Silvestri with Instroret and Renovo Bioedil for a new plant in Iglesias (CA)

The firm assisted the companies Instroret and Renovo Bioedil in the establishment of a new industrial plant in the Iglesias (CA) area, aimed at producing eco-efficient thermo-acoustic insulating panels made of wood fibers and cork granules. The industrial plant will be powered by a biomass-fueled power plant, with a total nominal capacity of approximately 999 KWe and 4 MWt, which will be managed by Renovo Bioedil through a special purpose vehicle it controls. This vehicle has signed a business branch rental agreement and a long-term lease agreement with the owner of the power plant. The synergistic management of the two industrial complexes will allow the use of thermal energy (flue gases and hot water) that would otherwise be dispersed, thereby creating a virtuous production cycle. The project for the construction of the industrial plant benefits from public and private funding amounting to just over 35 million euros. Link to the press release: Ceccarelli e Silvestri e Legalitax nell’acquisizione di una quota di maggioranza di AWM da parte del Gruppo Schnell – Legalcommunity