Mattia Carbognani

OF Counsel

Mattia Carbognani is a registered Doganalyst. He is a consultant to Unione Parmense degli Industriali, FIASA, Confindustria Alto Milanese, Confindustria Romagna, NIBI, and Unioncamere Lombardia, as well as to numerous Confindustria trade associations such as ANCMA, ACIMAC, UCIMA, and AMAPLAST. He sits on Confindustria’s Customs Legislation Experts Table in Rome. He is the author and co-author of numerous specialized publications on customs matters: Export Guide; Practical Guide to Import/Export Transactions; Practical Guide to Filling Intrastat Forms; Practical Guide to Preferential Origin of Goods; Guide to the Origin of Goods and Made In.

Posizione: Legal Counsel
Tel: +39 0721.379234

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