Simone Donati

Senior associate

Simone Donati focuses on domestic and international commercial and employment law, advising on contracts, global mobility and acquisitions. He has assisted Italian companies in transactions with large multinational groups and foreign governmental entities. He has also gained experience in international arbitrations at the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) in Paris and the LCIA (London Court of International Arbitration) in London. Simone teaches international trade law at training institutions and trade associations (Confindustria, etc.) and is a lecturer at the chair of European Union and International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo. He is the author of publications (books and articles) among which Italian Workers Abroad (2022 – SEAC) |Guide all’esportazione (2022). Simone graduated in Law and holds a Master’s degree in ” Employment Law” from the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna. He practices in Italian and English.

Posizione:  Senior Associate
Tel: +39 0721.379234

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