Ceccarelli & Silvestri

The Firm


The Ceccarelli & Silvestri law firm is based in Pesaro and has representative offices in Milan, Rome, Bologna, Florence and Rimini.

Areas of activity

The Firm provides specialized and personalized legal services to Italian and foreign companies in all areas of business law; in particular, it is a national reference point in corporate law, M&A and extraordinary transactions, international trade law, as well as national and international arbitration litigation.

The Firm provides timely, top-tier assistance tailored to the specific needs of its clients. Over time, it has developed an extremely effective working method that ensures the best quality-to-price ratio.


The Firm is distinguished by its strong international focus: it has professionals who have obtained degrees and/or master’s degrees abroad, gained experience at foreign universities and/or law firms, and are qualified to practice law in foreign jurisdictions.

The international experience gained by the Firm is now its strong point, as it allows the integration of highly specialized multidisciplinary skills within the international network.


In addition to Italian, the foreign languages commonly used in the course of professional activities are English, Spanish, and French.


The Firm is part of the INTERLEGAL Network, a global network of law firms with over 500 members in 51 firms across 48 countries, and the IGAL (International Group Of Accountants and Lawyers) Network, which includes over 100 members in 45 jurisdictions.

The Firm is also a member and representative for Italy in the International Consulting Group (ICG), which comprises leading law firms, accounting firms, and strategic consulting firms operating throughout the Americas and Europe.

Over the years, the Firm has developed a vast and experienced network of relationships with leading law firms around the world. This enables the Firm to provide its clients with fast, integrated, and top-level assistance on any international operation and activity.


The firm is organised according to the corporate scheme and is divided into specialised departments;

Moreover, the organisation and conduct of professional activities are facilitated by the use of advanced technologies that enable the maximum efficiency of the service provided to its clients.


The firm’s professionals carry out regularly training activities, also through the organisation of webinars, conferences and meetings at institutions – such as universities, CONFINDUSTRIA, CCIAA, ICE and ICC Italia –  and at companies that request them.

As a rule, training activities focus on the firm’s various areas of activity and aim to provide the various corporate figures with the appropriate tools to interface with their Italian and foreign interlocutors.

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